Casual Friday

I recently received an email from a reader concerning casual Friday. She asked me: "How can I do casual Friday without being too casual?"

We need to first address: what is too casual?

  • Shorts***

  • Jeans with holes

  • T-shirts with logos

  • Tight Fitting Clothing/Clothes that don't fit

Why are these things inappropriate?

Jeans with holes 

Not only are they too casual, they send the wrong message. Jeans with holes are unprofessional because they give the appearance of poor personal hygiene,  as well as a look of being unkempt. A person wearing jeans with holes can come off as having low self-esteem and low self-worth, because jeans full of holes have such a negative connotation in the workplace. If you're thinking about wearing jeans with holes, don't. Work is for looking professional and clean, not for doing house work or going out with your friends.

T-Shirts with Logos

Imagine walking into work and seeing a co-worker wearing a shirt saying "I'm too cute to do math, I let my boyfriend do it" would feel offended? Would you want to keep working someplace where people can wear t-shirts that are sarcastic, mean, or offensive? The answer is no. T-Shirts with logos are just bad for wearing to work. If you do wear a logo on a t-shirt it should be from your company and no where else. If you wear a t-shirt with a logo be prepared to change, don't risk offending anyone with your cute and/or sarcastic t-shirt. Play smart, if you want to wear a t-shirt go plain.

Tight Fitting Clothing 

Why wouldn't you wear tight fitting clothing? Clothing that is too tight is not flattering. It will cut you in the wrong place, and it will be too tight in the wrong places. Clothing that is too tight or too loose will not be professional. They do not go in the work place, or on your body. Clothes that fit will make you feel and look better. Don't go flaunting those pants that grab your thighs in the wrong places, or that shirt that hugs that muffin top a little too tight!


I have a client who has told me about all of the tailored shorts that are on the market now, but the truth is shorts don't fit in the workplace, unless you ask your boss/administrator/manager. When getting hired I like to always ask the dress code, because that gives me a chance to ask my questions as well as take notes on what is/isn't allowed at work. I don't recommend wearing shorts on Casual Friday, unless you have specifically asked your boss/administrator/manager.

What Can I Wear?

I will post a couple of outfits anyone can wear from Polyvore, so you can see the different possibilities. I recommend and pair of dark wash jeans, a patterned shirt, a jacket, a fierce pair of pumps, and don't forget the accessories. I will also post some real life pictures of my current client's casual Friday.

As always feel free to send me an email! or a tweet!


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