Balancing Act

Life gets messy, between School, Work, and a Social life, it seems like there is not time in the day for just sitting around and relaxing. Or at least that's what a lot of people think. In reality life is a balancing act full of choices. 

Do I do my organic chemistry homework or do I watch Project Runway? Everyday we make choices that take away from the productive things we would like to be doing.

When you're feeling overwhelmed, remember you can choose to be underwhelmed. Don't procrastinate (easier said than done right?). Don't forget to do something because you didn't schedule it in your mental calendar. Avoid all these things with a planner, or a personal assistant I mean we can all afford one right? NO NO NO NO. 

You don't have to be overwhelmed if you follow these simple steps: 

  1. Make yourself a planner; buy a calendar app; make a notebook for just putting what you need to do in
  2. Make a time map, really spend time figuring out what you spend your time doing. (Don't lie). You will figure out that you're spending more time idling than actually doing anything at all
  3. Make a plan. Take all the data that you collected and make a plan. If you need more time to do homework, then cut down on TV time by an hour and do homework instead. You'll be surprised how at the end of the week you can actually do more because you sacrificed a little bit of time to do more.
  4. Put your plan into action
Don't be afraid of failing. What counts is putting your plan to action. Give yourself rewards for doing the right thing, every time you make it to the gym make sure to give yourself 15 minutes of TV time. Things like that. Don't let the minutes in the day scare you, because guess what you have the same amount of time in the day that Bill Gates, George Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, and Will Ferrell have in a day. The same amount of time as a Congressman/woman, Supreme Court Justice, the President. You have the same time. Don't waste it by watching your minutes pass.


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