Resolution Keepers
This is the year of keeping your New Years Resolution. How do you keep your resolution with so many things holding you back?
Simple: Resiliency.
Another weekly goal would be to finish all homework assignments for the week. Don't leave anything to chance, carve out time to do homework.
On top of weekly goals it helps to make monthly goals, like striving to get A's on tests as well as making monthly meetings with the professors and advisors that you interact with on a daily basis.
Remember the best way to keep your resolutions is to be resilient. Do not give up. Take a step back and reevaluate because you can do it!
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need advice on how to cut down your big goals to smaller pieces.
Simple: Resiliency.
Step one! Write it Down
Write it down, type it out, or, record it. This helps keep your resolution tangible. If the resolution is real then it will be easier to track.Step 2! Make a Goal
Goals are the easiest way to make sure your resolution is kept. Sit down write out what you want to accomplish and then write down the steps that it would take to reach the resolution. If your resolution is to become a better student, then make it a goal and break it down.Making Mini Goals:
Break down your big goal in to smaller more manageable pieces. For becoming a better student a weekly goal would be to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day. Sleep is important to having better performance in class/lab as well as having enough energy to do homework.Another weekly goal would be to finish all homework assignments for the week. Don't leave anything to chance, carve out time to do homework.
On top of weekly goals it helps to make monthly goals, like striving to get A's on tests as well as making monthly meetings with the professors and advisors that you interact with on a daily basis.
Step 3! Tell Somebody
Why should you tell anyone? #1 reason others can help fuel your fire by keeping you on track. Tell someone you trust to check up on you like a best friend, advisor, parent, etc. Telling other people helps to make the resolution tangible. It will feel even better to accomplish your resolution when you can share it with others!Step 4! Learn to Use a Planner
How do planners help? First they keep a living record of what's going on with your resolution. Second they can point out where you're lacking and excelling. Are you doing too much? Too little? How can you change that?Step 5! Succeed
Are there going to be hiccups? Yes. Definitely. Does that mean you are failing? No. Absolutely not. To err is human, to forgive divine! Forgive yourself and hop back on, where did your goal go wrong? How? Take a hard look at your mini goals. Are they too challenging? Do they need to be broken down? If so break them down. Always ask for help if you need it.Remember the best way to keep your resolutions is to be resilient. Do not give up. Take a step back and reevaluate because you can do it!
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need advice on how to cut down your big goals to smaller pieces.
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