I have too much to do!!!

First, don't worry. Everyone gets a little overwhelmed every once in a while, it's normal. I want to emphasize that it is nothing wrong with you, it's what is wrong with our society. 

To get ahead of feeling so busy, the first step is admitting that you are not able to finish all the tasks that you set out to do. It is a very humbling experience. Sometimes I feel like Wonder Woman and I am feeling so on top of the world I think that I can get all the homework from Chemistry and Physics done in the same night, 5 hours into the study session I realize that it isn't possible. 

If you want to study multiple subjects or do multiple things at once, my suggestion is don't. Not because you are unable, but because when we spread ourselves too thin we run the risk of doing poorly on our assignments from school/work/life. 

If you feel like you're running out of time, and want to figure out where your time goes, I suggest you make a time map. Put in your work schedule, your school schedule, and what you think you do during your day. When you figure out what you really spend your time doing, you will realize the true potential of your time. 

With a time map you will ultimately open your eyes to the things you are doing that don't help you get what you want to do done. 

Once you've made and filled out what you actually do then you can figure out how to use your time more wisely. One really great tip that my family has ingrained in my brain is to only give yourself up to 5 things to do in a day. With busy work and school schedules it is hard to imagine doing more than 5 things in addition to school.

What has really helped me manage my time and my commitments is saying NO. I used to just say yes to whatever my boss asked or to what my classmates asked, and I became spread so thin I got sick. I wasn't resting enough or being productive in the right way. Learning to say NO was a step in the right direction. 

Buy or make yourself a planner, write everything you need to get done down. Don't let your brain be the keeper (because let's face it, our brains forget). Put things in front of your face, make a calendar for the house. Anything will help you and make things less overwhelming.  

Once you can see what you have to do you can prioritize things according to difficulty, time, or if you want to do it or not.  Being organized isn't hard. But it is work. Work hard to stay scheduled and be confident in yourself. Don't let people dictate what you should do. Do what makes you happy.

As always feel free to tweet or email me!
Kayla Reid


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