Stripes, they make you fat, right?

I have gotten bombarded with questions asking about the ability of bigger girls wearing stripes, and whether or not it's flattering. First of all, there are different types of stripes, and believe me you can wear all of them!

Taken from
As you may have noticed the stripes in this dress go in different directions emphasizing different parts of her body. The horizontal stripes on the bottom are actually an upside down U shape where the top of the U comes where she is smallest, her waist. The vertical strips elongate her chest area, making her upper body seem longer, the diagonal strips draw the eye up toward her face.

Taken from
 The smaller strips on this dress make this blogger seem taller, the dress isn't form fitted so it doesn't highlight any trouble areas. Honestly, it makes her look taller.

Taken from Plus Model Mag
The strips in this shirt are sure to make any girl try to shy away, but why? Do you have bigger arms, this shirt is perfect for hiding those flabby triceps (trust me). What the stripes do is trick the eye into thinking that the arm is around the same size, the play of black and white also help your arms look smaller.

My advice to you is simple, buy some stripes, they really are a life saver. 

Tips to make stripes look and feel amazing:
  1. Buy it in a color you like, if you don't wear a lot of black and white, try a different color scheme, it may be just the trick you're looking for.
  2. Start small, there are plenty of striped accessories, like scarves, bangles, necklaces, etc. So try big, don't give up.
  3. If you feel too fat or too unattractive remember: stripes accentuate your smallest parts, try adding a belt (like in the first picture). Or maybe the fabric is too bulky, then try minimizing the other parts of the outfit.
  4. Finally just pick a day, wear some stripes.
As always feel free to drop an email, tweet, or even google plus me :)


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